Monday, October 31, 2005

Excuses, Excuses...

So I am back after a week in California – and one of the things I have noticed since Cecilia left is that I have been neglecting my blog space. I am sure tons of you figured well his girl is gone so now he will have plenty of time to fill us in on the nuances and minutia of his life, but seemingly not so. Granted I am not exactly sure who even reads it since no one really leaves me messages, (if you are one of the few who do thanks I read them all) but I figured I would list up some excuses to why I haven’t posted in a while. Granted there has been plenty of good news to talk about and stories that have pissed me off and I’ll get around to writing about one or two of them soon. So my excuse for not blogging, (beyond my trip to California) are in no particular order: good video games, good TV, and good books.


I currently have a stack of Game Cube games on my shelf still in the wrapping. Currently I am geeking my way through the first X-men legends game. Picked it up on the cheap from Best Buy and it is proving to be a solid investment. Decent role playing game, tons of characters, and its been fun opening a can of kick ass as Wolverine. The camera angles suck a bit – but it’s a problem I hope will be fixed in the sequel – which depending on my final verdict may be on the old holiday wish list. I also have Ultimate Spiderman waiting in the wings as well as an out of print original copy of the original Pikmin I picked up at a used CD store in California. So I will by staying up nights playing with myself in a non-sexual way for months with the video game stash I have accumulated.

More Dork

This past month has seen the sophomore season of "Lost" storm onto television and every Wednesday night I am more or less glued to ABC. Luckily, one or two fellow fans normally join me so I feel a little better. While the second season was slow to start, it has picked up. The first three episodes take place in the span of a day each overlapping – similar to a “Run Lola Run” kind of tribute. There are still plenty of hidden things to find like Walt’s being the missing kid on the milk box in Hurley’s dream sequence. Lost is still breaking boundaries and is currently in re-runs if you want to catch up. Also I have made a point to catch “My name is Earl” on NBC. Being a Jason Lee fan from his "Mallrats" days doesn’t hurt, but the show is funny, heartwarming (though occasionally predictable) all at the same time, a decent 30 minute comedy and worth catching if your home on Tuesday night.

Book Worm

So reading wise I have already torn through the 12 books in a series of unfortunate events, “The Penultimate Peril.” Being a long fan of the series, this was a nice lead up cliffhanger to the end of the series. Over the course of several years Lemony Snicket or better known as Daniel Handler fine tunes his satirical voice similar to the way J.K. Rowling has over the Harry Potter series. Granted the box have nothing to do with each other except they have plenty of cross over fans and are both found in the same section of the bookstore. I recommend them if your looking for something quick to and amusing to read. They will make you laugh out loud I promise. Also I am halfway through “The White City” by Erik Larson. I will let you know how that is when I finally finish it (I was going to read tonight but decided to post this egotistical blog instead). I am also catching up on back issues of the best magazine in publication – “The Believer” which I have two or three half issues left to finish up. I am also glancing through “The Long Distance Relationship Guide” which was a present from my not present significant other. So far all I have found out is our long distance relationship isn’t healthy, and I’m pretty sure it is entirely fault. I love self-help books.

What I am drinking right now

I am finishing up a bottle of Bear Republic Red Racer 5, which I carried home from California, a good I.P.A. (Indian Pale Ale for you non drinkers), though it is a bit hoppy.

Other then that life is good – and I will try to post more, but if I don’t I’m probably drinking, reading, playing video games or watching TV.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Help Still Needed

For the last month the world has been focused on the worst natural disaster to hit America in years and possibly the worst disaster since September 11th. This time there was no terror group to blame, no one to point fingers at besides Mother Nature for spawning Hurricane Katrina and Rita and possibly God for pointing both of them at the gulf coast. In the wake of this disaster there have been numerous issues from government mismanagement, to media bias, including displays that show the highs and lows the human race are capable of.

Working in local news much of my Hurricane coverage came from the network news, locally we touched only on the ways the hurricane hit here in Central New York: Interviews with Doctors and Red Cross volunteers heading down or returning, shelters getting set up and donations being packaged, talking with the united way and other local non-profits about donor fatigue and local companies donating.

Today more then a month after the Hurricane hit was the first day my newscast didn’t involve a single story about the Hurricanes or the relief effort. While news continues to develop there, the ninth ward twice submerged once by both storms being visited by former President Clinton, I think the world tires of the story. Here in Central New York and I feel around the country the stories legs have finally taken their last step, and until it begins effecting our wallets and pocketbooks again, this story may finally be dead.

It has been a long time coming, Network reporters slowly pulling out team coverage becoming a solo reporter, followed by just some file video. The media has packed up and moved on.

I have waited to make a donation to the Red Cross –because now is when it is going to be needed most. Now that the media is picking on the President’s choices for the Supreme Court, the vote on the Iraqi constitution, and the rising death toll the media has shown it has moved on – but people there still need help. The water may be gone, but the devastation remains. Just because we stop reporting it doesn’t mean its over. Just because the media has forgotten about it doesn’t mean you should. Fellow Americans still need your help, and they still will once the media has found a new top story.